
2015 07 13

The Glass Menagerie玻璃動物園





To Kill a Mocking Bird

Of Mice and Man

The Glass Menagerie

Catcher of the Rye


2015 11 12

Ancient Light,Banville化身為書中的男主角.一個青春已逝的老男人,絮絮叨叨,令人難忍.難怪我讀得斷斷續續.雖說如此,Banville的文字功力依然一流.三言兩語,說的那樣精準貼切有創意.令我忍不住畫線.


What an ill-assorted pair we must have looked, the obscurely afflicted, stark-faced girl with her scarf and dark glasses, and the grizzled, ageing man sunk in glum unease, sitting there silent in that ill-lit low place above a winter sea, our suitcases leaning against each other in the glass visitbule, waiting for us like a trio of large, obedient and patiently uncomprehending hounds.


Banville被譽為心靈大師,確實,他能透視靈魂: p175

……the feeling of falling somehow into the character I was playing, literally falling, as one might trip and pitch forwards on one’s face, and losing all sense of my other, unacting, self.


Since it seems that nothing in creation is ever destroyed, only disassembled and dispersed, might not the same be true of individual consciousness? Where when we die does it go to, all that we have been? When I think of those whom I have loved and lost I am as one wandering among eyeless statues in a garden at nightfall.


How the world works on, uncomplaining, no matter what, doing what it has to do.

2015 11 26




評者皆說Banville的文字有詩意.Poetic prose.他總能用淡雅樸實的文字,勾勒出圖畫般的畫面.尋常的景觀與事件,輕易就能攏上詩意. We stopped at a bend of the road, in the purple-brown shade of a stand of rustling trees, and I kissed her.短短幾句,顏色人物動作風景聲響構圖俱全.深厚的文字功力.


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