




知道黃俊文已經很久了.中正路的南安藥局寬敞整潔明亮,恆常播放著古典樂,黃俊文的海報與剪報貼在顯眼處,是他們家族的驕傲.去那裏買藥是一種享受,何況價格很合理.三不五時就去採買愛憶欣,新表飛鳴等家人常用藥.終於,暮春之際在衛武營聽到黃俊文的演出,!相見恨晚.雖然我的座位離舞台很遠,仍能看到極佳的台風:玉樹臨風的姿態,流暢自然彷若不費出灰之力,琴藝精湛自不必說,情感細膩無比,令我想起小提琴家列賓.Walton的小提琴協奏曲是台灣首演,耳目一新.安可曲的望春風與Danny Boy纏綿細緻,餘音裊裊,不同凡響.黃的傑出可見一班.


胡乃元是音樂界老牌的台南子弟.低調的他因為得了伊莉莎白小提琴大賽首獎而聲名大噪,府城人與有榮焉.胡父在青年路開眼科,和我的嘉祥伯是綠島獄友,長輩都稱他為胡博ㄟ ,隱含有博學多聞之意.小時候我去胡眼科看過幾次,對於他的謹慎與不苟言笑印象深刻.



我們的烹飪課 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


I dove into the ocean and found my mother there.

She was the gentle wash of waves,

the sparkle of shells, the striated sand,

the stingrays, the garibaldi, the leopard sharks

in their camouflage.


Mother said ”swim,” and I ducked under

the waves finning downward for a few

eternities, ears equalized, eyes open, no

air no breath no need to inhale.


Lost in a spiral of a conch I forgot

the noise and pollution and heat of life,

my own black smoke, my own burning trash briefly

extinguished until finally I came up, head breaking

the surface with a gasp that was almost a scream.


As I walk on the beach feeling the sand

between my toes, music blaring from a restaurant cut by

the yelps of children at play, a gentle smile

ignites my face because I still hear mother’s

whispers in my ear.



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