


我有眼不識泰山.Ida的導演Pawel Pawlikowski大名鼎鼎.哲學與文學出身的背景,難怪影片那麼地凝練.文學,哲學,詩意,以影像串連成藝術精品.Pawlikowski一頭卷髮,削瘦的臉上架一副太陽眼鏡.桀驁不馴的模樣.他率性又帥氣:我不把拍片當做志業,更不想拍商業鉅片.我只拍攝自己感興趣的東西.端看我人在哪裡,我發現什麼有趣的,我腦袋裡有什麼而定.


As far as I’m concerned, all you really need is a story, with two or three interesting characters, interestingly entangled in an interesting space.憑感覺,順著走,電影會自己做出來.精確的劇本對他而言沒用.因為他是邊拍邊想.劇本上所寫的隨時可改變.甚至他要看到主角才想得出對話.

With each day of filming, I was more convinced the story could tell itself without coverage and exposition. It was enough to put strong moments in strong shots, side by side, and leave things to the imagination. The film would work as a meditation as much as a story. The key was to choose one angle, the most effective shot, and then to work and rework all the elements: framing, light, dialogue, movement, gesture. Adding, taking away, refining from take to take, until the thing had the right life and rhythm. This meant forgetting the script and treating each scene and each shot as a thing in its own right.


Putting static shots side by side and stripping things down forces the viewer to watch and listen differently; it asks them to fill in the gaps and not to expect to have things explained. It allowed me to drop dud scenes and lines without damaging the story. On the contrary, the method actually helped me find the story, or rather to home in on its best, its only possible shape.

By now, the film had already taken on a life of its own and rejected stuff that didn’t suit it. I was rewriting as I went along, weeding out what didn’t work and inventing more graphic scenes and dialogues.




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