  • Jan 24 Thu 2013 22:56
  • A Poem


   翻出好久以前在法雅客買的詩集.Faber and Faber出版的Heaven on Earth:101 Happy Poems.我不擅長讀詩,但總有一些清新,簡明,生活化的詩讓人很有感覺.我對意境的體會勝過分析.這日早晨,我躺在沙發上讀著初次邂逅的這首詩:

Faure’s Second Piano Quartet


On a day like this the rain comes

down in fat and random drops among

the ailanthus leaves—“the tree

of Heaven”—the leaves that on moon-

lit nights shimmer black and blade-

shaped at this third-floor window.

And there are bunches of small green

Knobs, buds, crowded together. The

Rapid music fills in the spaces of

the leaves. And the piano comes in,

like an extra heartbeat, dangerous

and lovely. Slower now, less like

the leaves, more like the rain which

almost isn’t rain, more like thawed-

out hail. All this beauty in the

mess of this small apartment on

West 20th in Chelsea. New York.

Slowly the notes pour out, slowly,

more slowly still, fat rain falls.


   透過白紗落地窗簾,露台上的陽光穿入客廳.這是一個舒適的冬日早上.我咀嚼著文字,想像那有雨有樹有佛瑞如夢般溫柔纖細樂音的小公寓.無論是在遙遠的紐約,或是溫暖的南台灣,對於美的感受是相通的.All this beauty in the mess of this small apartment on……,美的碰撞,在任何時空都會引發奇妙的感覺,即便是剎那也值得記念.可惜我寫不出詩.

   凝望著牆上那幅我很喜歡的電影海報:奇士勞斯基的Blind Chance.人生是一連串的機遇與未知.在生命的起伏中,,永遠是最好的慰藉.



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2012 12 31

   前兩天瀏覽CD架時拿起好久沒聽的Nina Simone,這是The Diva Series 中的一張.以前就很喜歡,但是躺在沙發上仔細聆聽的那個夜晚,不知不覺淚流滿面.彷彿初次接觸般,Simone的歌聲帶給我全新的感動.一首首曲風殊異的歌曲,有意思的歌詞,在她忽而纖細忽而豪邁的歌聲中展現幽微的轉折與深度.搭配的樂手都是一時俊彥,鋼琴不用說是Simone自己彈的.出身茱莉亞的她從小就是個鋼琴神童.我取下CD封套閱讀內裡的說明.在明亮的早上,裡頭的一段話帶給我愉悅的感受與不知名的勇氣: Sometimes the best way to express an emotion is not to fully state it but to hint at it, to suggest it, to point your listeners towards a certain feeling without spelling it out for them in so many words. Sometimes the best way to be sensual is not by letting everything hang out, so to speak, but by holding back. Sometimes the best way to appreciate the joy of human existence is by dwelling on the dark side.如同丁凡引述的一句話:Contrast is the meaning of life.美學的原理亦適用於人生.


This is his temperament. His temperament is not going to change, he is too old for that. His temperament is fixed, set. The skull, followed by the temperament: the two hardest parts of the body.

Is he happy? By most measurements, yes, he believes he is. However, he has not forgotten the last chorus of Oedipus: Call no man happy until he is dead.





2013 01 01

   昨夜沒睡好,起床之後繼續躺在沙發聽Nina Simone,沒多久兒子回來了.整夜跨年的他補覺去了.我懶洋洋的起來張羅午餐.雞湯是現成的,只消再做一道酒蒸紅目鰱,炒一盤茴香菜就好.三人的餐很好打發.沒想到,買到的那一把茴香菜黏著好多泥土,我洗了不下十遍才沖洗乾淨.麻油爆香薑片,入菜炒一炒,嗆一點米酒,起鍋時打一顆蛋汁進去,真好吃.我穿著圍裙工作,直到吃完飯解下圍裙才發現:我竟然還穿著睡褲!我對父親說:”你看,我忙得忘了換衣服,還穿著睡褲呢!”他鎮定地說:”在自己家,free style.”,說得真好.但我還是耿耿於懷:”大過年的,人家都穿新衣呢!”父親說:”自己心內知道在過年就好.”有時候,他比我想像的有智慧呢!


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